Introducing the Alberta Carriage Supply Forecart Prototype

Earlier this spring we announced that we had designed our own Alberta Carriage Supply forecart. We received the prototype a few weeks ago. Delivery was a bit late because of the Ever Given incident (how long ago that sideways ship in the Suez Canal seems!) and the backlog of traffic it – and COVID restrictions – created at ports around the world.

You need equipment that works!

We appreciate that this is a new, Alberta Carriage Supply own design. So, we’ve been busy putting it through a series of field tests to make sure it meets our (and more importantly, your) needs. We’ve included some photos and videos of these tests for your viewing pleasure.

No horses OR people were hurt during the testing. It was noisy and it might not have gone as smoothly as we thought it would. But all that to say, we’re happily here to tell you that YES, the prototype met, and in some cases surpassed, our expectations. But Terry’s back did take a bit of a beating to pull the grain truck…

Curious to know how much the grain truck weighed?

We took it to the local elevator and it clocked in
at 12,240 kgs – that’s 26,928 lbs!

So, you can be sure that whatever work you need your horses to do: plowing, logging, clearing snow… this forecart is the vehicle you can depend on.

Thanks, I just needed to see it in action.
I’m convinced… sign me up!